Keyword Planner As A Research Tool For NGO, using free KeyWord Planner software as a research tool when creating a website: how to make your website the most effective tool it can be!

A number of free online Key Word online tools, collect data about popular searches and can be used an excellent tool to build up information about the interests of your target audience, so that your webpage is as popular as it has the potential to be. Now, imagine that you are unfamiliar with a topic but you have been told to create a website on this unfamiliar topic, and you need to ensure that the website is as relevant as possible to the topic and cuts across the key trends. This is where KeyWord software can help you!

Using the Case Study example of the FLEGT-VPA process in Vietnam, the agreement with the EU that is currently in negotiations, to reduce illegal timber by making sure that any Timber products exported to the EU are made from legal timber, this article will show you how KeyWord software can be a great research tool!

An initial Google Search on your topic, will usually link you to an article which contains some basic search terms. For me, this article below ( ) gave me a basic introduction to the topic, and alerted me that some of the Key Terms are:

•    FLEGT
•    VPAs
•    Illegal Logging
•    EU Forest Law Enforcement

Finding Seeding keywords

Ȕbersuggest brings many related Seeding keywords
The next stage of my research, is to use one of the simplest KeyWord software websites - Ȕbersuggest ( . It provides an extended version of the Google Suggestions that appear in the search tool; you simply, enter a search term, choose the platform which you want to search (For example, Web, Images, Shopping) and press Suggest!

Long tail keywords of FLEGT
To start with I searched FLEGT, and this will help me to get an idea of the terms related to FLEGT. The next step is to use the “Select All Keyword functions”, this then highlights all of the key words. 

Copy to an Excel database file

Using the “Select All Keywords” and then the “get” function, you can easily copy and export these suggestions to another file. This helps you to gain an understanding of the topics related to your chosen topic. In order to keep a better record of these related searches, I am going to export these keywords into an Excel file, so that later I can sort the search results.

Get to copy all selected keywords
Copy text then paste into Excel

The next step, was to repeat the same process with similar phrases relating to the FLEGT topic – I collected the KeyWord results for the other KeyWords “Illegal logging”, “EU’s Forest Law Enforcement” and “VPA”.I decided to search for “Voluntary Partnership Agreement” rather than “VPA” because many of the search results for “VPA” were irrelevant.

I exported these results into an excel document, and had a total of 424 results about my topic – and it only took me about 5 minutes!  Next, I highlighted all of the search results and used the “Sort & Filter” button to arrange the results alphabetically.

Sorting keywords

This enabled me very easily to see any duplicate results and delete them – I had a total of 313 results. Next I sorted them into different categories, as you can see below:

Removing the duplicate keywords

Grouping keywords into categoríe

For the next stage, I utilised the “Smart Art” function of excel to create the following Hierachy tree:

Smart Art” helps to create the following Hierarchy tree then you can make a website structure
The areas related my topic of FLEGT-VPA are now well presented in categories on a Hierachy tree that I can easily print out and utilise. I now, have a well organised, well-presented and well-researched idea of my topic! The website FLEGT-VPA of Vietnam in this case study is HERE

By Florence -Minh Vu


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